in front of

Ehdota määritelmää

Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


in front of

  1. allianssi, koalitio, kokoomus, liitto, liittokunta, liittouma, ryhmittyminen, ryhmittymä, yhteenliittymä.

Lisää synonyymejää


englanti At or near the front part of (something).
1872, Charles Hardwick, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folklore
Both parties met in front of the Castle, the torch-bearers numbering nearly one hundred.
In the presence of, in view of (someone).

Not in front of the children!

Located before, ahead of, previous to (someone or something).

Ill take the one in front of the black one.''

(ante) “Mandi”, quoted in Nicholas E. Brink, Grendel and His Mother: Healing the Traumas of Childhood Through Dreams, Imagery, and Hypnosis, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. (2002), ISBN 9780895032621, page 1:
Several people are in front of me in line. The woman next in front of me is older, probably in her fifties.

Ehdota määritelmää